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Are Expensive Office Chairs Really Worth It?

Has one of your employees recently requested an expensive office chair for your call center? You may think a pricey chair is unnecessary for your workplace, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

high-quality office chairs is built with the people who will be using it in mind. It’s not “just a chair;” it’s a tool that improves productivity and makes your employees feel more comfortable while they’re conducting the tasks that make your workforce successful.

In today’s world of computer-based working, most employees sit for extended periods. Yet some job functions require employees to be seated for hours and hours without being able to walk around or move far from their work areas. Specifically, industries that require 24-hour, intensive focus fall into this category. 


There’s a wide range of price points for office chairs, based on the quality and features with which they’re designed. Inexpensive office chairs don’t provide proper support of the back and buttocks, which is essential for people who are going to be sitting for most of their workdays.

Back pain can easily turn into pain throughout one’s body, as various muscles try to compensate for the initial discomfort. This, in turn, can reduce employee productivity and even cause a spike in sick days or doctors’ visits if your employees’ seats are poorly designed. Have you heard that sitting is the new smoking? Cheap chairs that don’t allow proper blood flow — particularly for employees who sit for all or most of their shifts — can lead to cardiovascular issues and other serious health problems.

Some expensive office chairs, on the other hand, incorporate design features that reduce pain and discomfort, which can ensure better blood flow and greater overall support of workers’ bodies. Some office chairs are intentionally designed for 24-hour, intensive-use workplaces, such as call centers and security monitoring facilities. In these types of environments, employees need to be attentive to their tasks. If they’re in pain, they may lose concentration, which can ultimately affect their employers’ bottom lines.


Keep the price tag out of the equation for a moment and picture the reasons why one chair might be more expensive than another. Higher price points often indicate a chair was created with features such as: 

  • Superior manufacturing: Not only intended to help employees sit comfortably for longer durations, but it also guarantees the longevity of the chair itself.
  • Ergonomic designs: These models are “healthier” than lower-quality options. They’re based on years of doctor-led research to provide better posture and help negate some of the detrimental effects of sitting for extended periods.
  • Extensive warranties: Reputable companies that produce outstanding office chairs stand by their products. You won’t often get this guarantee with cheap office chairs. While you may spend less upfront for an affordable chair, you’ll spend a lot more in the long run if you have to constantly replace it. 


Especially in intensive-use workplaces, exceptional chairs are essential. The following are a few benefits you’ll realize when you make the right investment:

  • Customizability: No two people are the same height, weight or shape in your company. Expensive office chairs are customizable so everyone can sit in a manner that makes them most comfortable.
  • Durability: Great office chairs are created with high-quality material, padding and stitching that’ll withstand the test of time (and endless hours of sitting).
  • Ergonomics: As we stated before, proper ergonomics are vital for employees’ health. You simply won’t find a cheap chair that’s designed with solid ergonomics in mind. 

At Concept Seating, we make high-quality office chairs that work as hard as your people do. If you’re ready to set your employees on the seat to success, discover the Concept Seating difference. Find one of our Authorized Dealers near you today!

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